We met to support Childline raising the lovely amount of £185. A good number of people attended and there were some great raffle prizes. We celebrated David Little’s birthday in some style too. The place was so busy we almost ran out of cups today - with thanks to Hazel and Elizabeth for their cakes and service. A total of 28 shoeboxes and over £50 in donations for the transport were delivered to Link to Hope today. Thank you to all who have contributed.
The coffee morning today raised £95 for the Purple Community fund. There were some lovely cakes made by Fiona and it was good to see Theresa and Peter out and about again after her recent illness.
We have an extra coffee morning especially for Macmillan nurses which raised £400. We all know someone who has suffered with cancer so it was nice to be able to bank for them such a wonderful sum.
Our Sunday service was lead by Rev Peter Bates and included the required hymn "we plough the fields and scatter." We have collected supplies for Tamworth foodbank which will be delivered this week and the church looked nicely decorated for the event. The traditional harvest supper had a new lunch team on duty - thank you but continued with the same quiz master Vince. Our post meal entertainment came to a runners up question which needed you to guess the depth of Loch Ness (230m if your interested!) with the winners been "super seven" Our overall winners this year were "not a clue" but great fun was had by all who took part. Even our new minister got in on the act with one team including her in their name! Welcome Karen.
Thank you to the team who washed lunched cooked and cleaned not forgetting probably the same team who set up and put away. The September coffee morning for The Red Cross raised £106. Some lovely cakes were made by Evelyn. Phil and Pauline were hosts alongside her. It was good to see old friends from the village like Tina and Alan from Mile Oak and Sue and Christine from Kingsbury.
On 19th September we have an extra coffee morning for Macmillan nurses so do try and join us then. We all know someone who has suffered with cancer. A pleasant afternoon ramble followed by a BBQ before our annual evening service was enjoyed by a variety of quite local members this year but at least the weather held and it was dry and not too hot! In the service afterwards we enjoyed Adrian playing his harmonica About 30 people attended coffee morning raising money for our own Chapel. It was very hot so many customers didn’t feel like eating cake but drank copious amounts of tea and coffee instead. A short quiz was held and each table had to make words of 4 letters or more, out of PERIMETER. Netty’s table won a free raffle ticket!
It was good to meet up with old and new friends and £168.50 was raised. Nick led our service today and this was his last in the circuit as well as the last with us as pastoral lead. We celebrated his leadership after the service with a bring and share lunch. A book and theatre tokens were presented to him.
The coffee morning today hosted by Jane, Jacky and Carol raised £141 for the RNLI. A good number attended and it was nice to see some old friends who have been missing. It was lovely to catch up with Christine Wheeler, a former member who came along with Sue from Kingsbury. There were some good raffle prizes and lovely cakes to sample.
Whitacre Congregation is a vibrant mix of young and old who enjoy meeting for Sunday worship. Do come and join us. Categories
February 2025