Nick led our service today and this was his last in the circuit as well as the last with us as pastoral lead. We celebrated his leadership after the service with a bring and share lunch. A book and theatre tokens were presented to him. 45 people enjoyed themselves listening to Nick crooning to them. The Church rocked to a variety of music and we had fun. £330 was made for Church funds. We are grateful to Rev. Nick for giving up his time and to Chris & Vincent, Sue & Malcolm, Val & Colin for organising the refreshments.
Today was our Harvest celebration. Both of our services were led by our own minister Rev Nick Jones. The morning service reminded us to not worry about all the things in life which might never happen and to trust in the way we are provided for as well as singing a number of traditional harvest hymns. The evening songs of praise service was joined by the choir and the hymns were a mix of newer and traditional ones along with Nick reminding us of the beauty of the morning skies relating to the hymn "Christ whose glory fills the skies" by Charles Wesley. This was followed by the hymn "Lead kindly light amid the encircling gloom" which linked his dog walking early morning exercises to Cardinal Newman who is buried on Cofton Hill near to where he walks. After the service we had tea and coffee. As it is the eve of the State Funeral of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth we returned to the chapel for short prayer and two minutes of national silence at 8pm. Followed by the national anthem "God Save the King", many singing this for the first time. Requiescet in pace
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022 A coach trip organised by Castle Bromwich to Coventry Methodist Central hall. A sing along Joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat had the added draw of our own minister Nick Jones starring as the pharoah. A lovely evening was had by all. Our minister Farai leaves us today after five years. Her last service today was celebrated afterwards with cup cakes and tea and coffee. We all wish her well in her new appointment in Harbourne
Rev Farai Mapamula says "Happy Easter everyone! Good wishes to you all and your families. I hope this finds you well. I am very well and loving the weather.
Easter was a really beautiful time for reflection for me. I appreciated the quiet, the almost forced sense of 'slowness'. But I also appreciate that some of us may have found this really difficult. I mentioned to my family that this was a very strange Easter for me. The response from my daughter was not one I had expected. She asked me what was strange about almost relieving the Gospel experience of being huddled behind closed doors and fearing for our lives? What was strange about not being at the synagogue but breaking bread and sharing in our own homes? I don't know what you think but this gave me pause for thought, because this is not what I'm used to - usually I am worshipping together in communion and loads of hot cross buns. But the essence of the cross and death and resurrection remain the same - light over darkness, righteousness over evil - life over death - hope over despair - death conquered and resurrection into new life! We remain Easter people who hope, and love, and pray. Because we see Easter hope around us in many ways, only if we dare to stop, listen, observe and reflect." You can download her further reflections on Easter week here Easter Sunday would have seen a Bicentenary service being led by Rev Warren Bardsley who was our minister here in Whitacre Chapel from 1977 to 1982. He has sent us his blessing and a service outline sheet for the day. Please download and read the service and enjoy. Dear friends,
I hope this finds you well, and in relative good spirits despite the circumstances we find ourselves in. Earlier this week we were advised by both the Methodist Church and Government not to gather as congregations and any other groups until further notice. We are aware that this may cause anxiety and isolation for some of us but please let’s try by all means to keep in touch one way or the other. Let’s try to do whatever we can to keep an eye and care for each other. As most of you know I live away from my family and in times of crisis, it is difficult for us to pray together. So we devised a plan whereby we each light a candle and all of us pray together at the same time wherever we are. It might be something we may want to try…..or not. But it keeps us together and united in spirit. “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 8: 38 – 39 NRSV O God, When the darkness seems unbroken, I shall hold on to these words, For they hold the eternal truth. There is nothing that can break us away from your love, Nothing that will stop you loving us, And nothing that will turn you away from us. That changes life, And makes everything worthwhile. Even as we are separated yet united in You Help us to live for each other, and to love One another, in both deed and word. O God! How I thank you for Christ. He changes my life and Makes everything worthwhile. All praise to you, Compassionate, Loving , gracious God. AMEN Therefore, sisters and brothers, as a result of knowing that we are loved by God, even under these circumstances, let us begin to live differently, to love differently, marked as a community of people of joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control. Peace be with you, Revd Farai Mapamula |
Whitacre Congregation is a vibrant mix of young and old who enjoy meeting for Sunday worship. Do come and join us. Categories
January 2025