The money raised is being sent to the Methodist homes specifically to support the use of robotic pets in their homes. Find out more here
and here
A intrepid group of about 14 people ventured out around the village and ended up in the Railway pub singing carols and collecting for the Methodist Homes dementia care project. A total of £653.60 was raised which includes a number of previous events including a carol service at Corley which the choir sang for. Many thanks to all who welcomed us as we sang.
The money raised is being sent to the Methodist homes specifically to support the use of robotic pets in their homes. Find out more here and here A total of 28 shoeboxes and over £50 in donations for the transport were delivered to Link to Hope today. Thank you to all who have contributed.
We have an extra coffee morning especially for Macmillan nurses which raised £400. We all know someone who has suffered with cancer so it was nice to be able to bank for them such a wonderful sum.
45 people enjoyed themselves listening to Nick crooning to them. The Church rocked to a variety of music and we had fun. £330 was made for Church funds. We are grateful to Rev. Nick for giving up his time and to Chris & Vincent, Sue & Malcolm, Val & Colin for organising the refreshments.
For 2023 we have sent off 18 shoe boxes to Link to Hope. Gideon took them to our area organisers in Erdington. They will be picked up from there and delivered to children and adults in Ukraine or nearby countries.
Many thanks to those who filled a box. Coffee morning today for Greenfingers, £110 was made. A few more there than the last couple of months. Lovely refreshments including Fiona’s famous meringues. Fiona decorated the tables for Remembrance,with red poppies she had crocheted. They looked great and were sold afterwards contributing further to the total of £121.
The new chapel chairs look very smart. A small bunch of intrepid singers ventured out in the fortunately clear dry and warmer night than we have had for the past few weeks to raise money for Mary Ann Evans Hospice. Carolling from door to door around Station Road, Cottage Lane and Birmingham Road finishing off at The Railway public house. A total of £438 was raised with thanks to all who answered their doors and gave generously and of course to the singers, young and old, who braved the elements.
This year we have delivered eighteen shoeboxes to link to hope today. Many thanks to all our shoebox packers who made this such a substantial number to take for delivery
Today our service led by Anne and Mike Pointer celebrated the work of JMA - Junior Mission for All. Many of our collectors were present some now with quite substantial strings of collection to their names. Many thanks to our ten collectors who raised £52.67
Despite a very slow start we managed to raise £82 for the Open Doors Charity which supports Christians who suffer for their beliefs. It is hard for us to understand this when we are usually faced with indifference rather than persecution when speaking of our faith. There were many raffle prizes and we welcomed a couple of new faces and it was nice to see Arthur Edwards there with his family.
Thanks to Chris and Sue for their work and home made cakes. |
Whitacre Congregation is a vibrant mix of young and old who enjoy meeting for Sunday worship. Do come and join us. Categories
January 2025