After the service today we celebrated a very special birthday for Mavis, who has been attending our church since she moved to the village in 1946. A lovely cake was made and she blew out her number candles. Many regular members and visitors helped her mark the occasion. Mavis herself says that every day is a bonus and she still enjoys organising the chapel and living in her own home. Today was the last service Derek conducted as our minister before he retires again! The well attended service was followed by a bring and share lunch which allowed people to say farewell and thanks. A presentation of some theatre ticket tokens, book vouchers as well as a "more tea vicar" mug was made, in recognition of all the work that Derek has patiently and quietly undertaken during his three years of looking after us all so well. It is the first time we have had a minister who was solely responsible for just our church and we have been blessed with his ministry. He will be solely missed by the congregation as well as his future presence being noticably absent at the many events he has always made a consistent effort to attend. A lovely spread was put on as a result of all of us bringing some food and a merry time was had by all. This September promises to be a coffee morning with a cake feast as well. It will support the work of our own methodist relief fund exists to bring about significant and long term change in some of the world's most marginalised communities, and to empower people to change structures that are oppressive and unjust. With perhaps the longed for indian summer finally around the corner perhaps you can come and discuss the summers events over a cup of tea and coffee now that the children, students and teachers are back at school.
Today was the last service Derek conducted as our minister before he retires again! The well attended service was followed by a bring and share lunch which allowed people to say farewell and thanks. A presentation of some theatre ticket tokens, book vouchers as well as a "more tea vicar" mug was made, in recognition of all the work that Derek has patiently and quietly undertaken during his three years of looking after us all so well. It is the first time we have had a minister who was solely responsible for just our church and we have been blessed with his ministry. He will be solely missed by the congregation as well as his future presence being noticably absent at the many events he has always made a consistent effort to attend. A lovely spread was put on as a result of all of us bringing some food and a merry time was had by all.
Bernard Wheeler’s funeral was held on Friday August 10th in the Chapel he had attended until his very recent move. Family and friends filled the church and paid tribute to him. Born and bred in Whitacre, he was a faithful member of the Church for many years and we shall miss him greatly. After a service of thanksgiving for his life, at the Methodist Church, led by Rev. Derek Shaw, he was buried at St Giles. A collection was made for Walsgrave Hospital, where Bernard was cared for during the last 2 weeks of his life. We continue to remember Christina, Deborah, Darren, Laura, Jake, Heidi and Steve in our prayers.
This summery August month we raised £100 to support a charity called HOST UK, which finds host families for international students visiting Great Britain. HOST UK promotes international friendship and understanding by arranging for international students studying in the UK to spend a day, weekend or Christmas in a British home. A good turnout saw a near full house discussing topics such as the ongoing olympics with the opening ceremony being much discussed. The recent passing away to peace of our long standing member Bernard Wheeler who died early this week after a very short illness was on many peoples mind. Our thoughts are with his family and he will be remembered by many.
Whitacre Congregation is a vibrant mix of young and old who enjoy meeting for Sunday worship. Do come and join us. Categories
February 2025