A group of twenty one met to sing around the village - once again the weather was dry and not too cold. A number of us came dressed festively and we raised £425 for Brain Tumour Society and Mary Ann Hospice. Many thanks to all who sang and all who answered their doors and welcomed us with donations.
Rev Derek Shaw lead our annual candlelit carol service to a very full chapel. The usual mix of carols and readings was added to with the children acting out a Nativity scene and the choir singing from John Rutter and the Twelve Days of Christmas. The later was even explained how it relates to some of the Christian elements it refers to. Four calling birds relating to the four Gospels for instance. Baby Lyla stole the show in her part as the Angel Gabriel in the nativity scene and then all joined singing Away in a Manger. After the service there was a superb spread of cakes and mince pies - we were looked after well by the ladies and their team. The now familiar popular messy church was well attended by twenty children of all ages. They made festive items ranging from sewing up Christmas decorations, card baubles, Christmas trees and snowmen faces and Christmas biscuits. Jackie read the stories before the tea. Thank you to all our supporters.
A good turn out raising £125 for the Sifa Fireside. We welcomed a few new attenders including two ladies that had lived in the village many years and had always meant to come along; hope to welcome them back next year. Diane lead us in an alternate style service which centered in the story of the three wise men. We discussed what we knew about the story and the myths - no one ever mentioned there were only ever three kings or even that they are kings only that they were a number of wise men who bought three gifts. The layout of the church was altered with tables and chairs to help with our creations of candle lights and stars.
Forty eight shoe boxes were delivered to the Samaritans purse. Thank you to all who have assembled a box for deprived children in the Middle East.
Whitacre Congregation is a vibrant mix of young and old who enjoy meeting for Sunday worship. Do come and join us. Categories
October 2024