Starting promptly at the advertised time of 7.30pm, the audience in the Methodist Church on Saturday 29 April was entertained for over two hours to the sound of The Switched on Swing Band. This 8-piece band comprised of saxophones, guitar, percussion, keyboard and even (once) a tuba!
This popular band, who practises weekly in the church hall, played a variety of mainly big band music that had been suitably arranged for playing by a small ensemble. Well over thirty favourites and well known tunes were enjoyed by all. These tunes included two that had been sung by the Carpenters, one of which was We’ve Only Just Begun. Other tunes included Moondance, Summertime, Fly Me to the Moon, Blueberry Hill, Moonriver, the Muppets’ theme tune, and A Few of My Favourite Things from the Sound of Music. Interspersing the tunes was band leader Barry, one of the saxophonists, who, with great humour, told those present a little about the music they were playing. He even cracked a number of jokes, some of which were about animals!
Refreshments were served in the church hall during the interval.
The sound coming from these talented musicians was terrific! As the evening progressed, many in the audience could be seen “swinging” in their seats in time to the rhythm of the music. A great evening was had by all those who were present and £250 was raised for Church funds.
Thanks again to the Switched on Swing band for the concert.