A total of £!42 was raised over the festivities. The tinned and dried foods collected at both services are to be donated to Tamworth food bank.
Two celebratory services taken by Rev Farai Mapamula and Rev Karen Webber. The church was beautiful as ever showing off the local produce and flowers as well as some tapestry pictures. The dahlias were given by Arthur and the tapestry work was completed by the family of our church auditor Gill Mayberry. Gladys Morris was Gills Mother and her amazing talent for crochet, knitting and tapestry continued to be worked well into her 90's when failing eyesight sadly forced her to stop. However she did live to receive her 100th birthday telegram and her skills continue in the family with her Grandaughter Amy completing the balloon and boat tapestry which was also on display. The evening service also featured a composition by Rutter beautifully performed by the choir. The traditional coal, water and harvest loaf did make an appearance at the evening service to complete the celebrations. The loaf has now gone to Small Heath to be used at their Harvest service next weekend. A total of £!42 was raised over the festivities. The tinned and dried foods collected at both services are to be donated to Tamworth food bank. A lovely evening with the prayers led by our new minister Farai and the meal finished off with the now obligatory Vince quiz. Hotly contested as usual the competition looked like it was going to have new champions until the last round. The final picture round in which all the faces were called Ian something proved to be tough. Our thanks to our meal makers, our washers up and of course our quiz master.
A lovely service led by Rev. Derek Shaw to a pretty packed church. Once again the food is being donated to the food bank and we had a nice range of tins and none perishables. The church looked lovely with some nice flowers and was well decorated incorporating some vintage farming equipment.
Once again we have had a feast of services to celebrate the harvest festival. We had both a morning service and an evening traditional sing with the choir were well attended. The festivites has raised £179 and the food which we have collected is going to be delivered to Chapter 1 in Atherstone, which together with NWBC run "2nd chance furniture" and distribute food to those who are referred to them. Flowers have also been distributed locally to those who are not very well. The packed and fully sold out Harvest Supper the following evening was concluded with its now familiar but never the same Vince Coggins Quiz which eventually saw a new table of winners. Thanks go to Chris and Sue for all their hard work preparing the meal and looking after us all. Do you know who ran the first foreign excursion in 1855? How many lines are there in a sonnet? What is Sherlocks Holmes actually address? (is it a trick question?) The prize for the best answer to "where did Captain Cook first land in Australia?" has to be the memorable, even if technically non scoring "on the beach" which our quizmaster would not allow! Thomas Cook, 14, 221B Baker Street and Botany Bay if you are interested! Yes we know 221B does not exist as well.
A double service today which is always an unusual event at our church. The morning service lead by Derek Shaw contained some different hymns including one written by the late John Arnott (known to many as a cricket commentator) and finished with the traditional Plough the Fields and Scatter.The children and young at heart delivered their harvest offerings to the alter table which this year are being forwarded onto the North Warwickshire Foodbank. The evening service lead by Robert Ash contained more traditional harvest hymns and was similarly well attended. The evening singing was lead by the choir and both services finished with tea and coffee in the school room hall.
A lovely evening when a lot of people gathered from all over the village and a little further afield. Rev Derek Shaw started proceedings with a prayer of thanksgiving for the food and much hilarity and good conversation ensued. With Mavis Coggins recovering at home the kitchen team, ended up being not one but two down as Mrs Wagg had to go to hospital earlier in the afternoon as well. However despite these set backs the service was just as smooth as usual, many thanks. The post supper lunch quiz bought new winners and was a closely fought event but in the end was a runaway win. Second prize was more closely fought and the third prize play off question was to guess how many miles Coleshill was from John O'Groats. (567 miles in case your interested)
Whitacre Congregation is a vibrant mix of young and old who enjoy meeting for Sunday worship. Do come and join us. Categories
February 2025