Our traditional candle lit carol service was led by Rev Nick Jones and consisted of carols sung by both the choir and the congregation along with a series of bible and other readings to reflect the Christmas story. Afterwards mince pies, tea and coffee along with a pre Christmas chat was indulged in by those who attended. Our thanks to all our readers and the choir. We had a lovely morning to erect our now annual nativity scene. This year we avoided the snow and rain we have had in previous years and managed a record two and half hours to completion. Look out for the display as you pass.
A short film of the the story of the wise men who visited Jesus in Bethlehem. Filmed on the night of the candle lit carols but released today to coincide with the traditional date of the wise men's arrival. The children and young people enjoyed making (and eating some) Christingles which were lit once they had returned to the carol service. Once again the chapel was lit by candle light and we wish you all a Happy Christmas.
A successful return of our traditional candlelit carol service was superbly lead by Fiona. She steered us through the lessons all read by sons and daughters of church members. The choir performed some individual carols as well as leading the congregation as well as contributing some descant verses. The last treat you might have been lucky to see was a nativity play before all retired for mince pies and tea in the school room. Look out for the premiere of the nativity play film...
A full dress rehearsal of the play due to be performed at next weeks carol service was undertaken after the church service today. if this does not make you want to come and join us...
The lambs and donkey have finally reached the nativity scene along with the all important crib. These were being used by the "read the book" group who take bible stories into schools this week hence their delayed appearance. The scene is now complete ready for the carols to be sung around it this coming Tuesday.
Fiona came to preach today and reminded us about the signs we see. From the humble road signs to information giving notices surely none have been so important as Gods Star which showed the world where his Son was born in Bethlehem and guided in both the Shepherds and the Three Wise Men of the Orient. We were reminded of this with some lovely chocolate coins mounted on hand made stars as well as the almost complete external tableau which is now on view from the road outside reminding passers by of the signs of Christmas complete with its own star.
The church was packed with many from the local community, who came shopping for festive products ranging from reindeer food to cakes. Tea and coffee was being served and many festive hats were to be seen.
Lynda Gascoigne won the hamper. Jill Howell guessed the number of beads in the jar(188) Chris Mansel won the cherry cake which contained 29 cherries Colin Bowerman correctly named the bears, Harry and Haimish. Over £700 was raised on the day, towards our Chapel maintenance fund. Many thanks to all our helpers for such a fantastic result. Our Nativity scene was window 24 on the village trail and more socially distanced carol singing raised over £125 for Alzheimers charity. A good number of visitors came to listen and join in with the groups of choir singing from the church grounds on what proved to be a chilled but dry evening unlike the rain yesterday!
Whitacre Congregation is a vibrant mix of young and old who enjoy meeting for Sunday worship. Do come and join us. Categories
February 2025